Tuesday 19 June 2012

E-cigarettes may help you to quit smoking

How to quit smoking when you don't want to. 

Up in Smoke ©mamulcahy
It may seem that everyone has stopped smoking. Yet there are still millions of people smoking and the numbers do not seem to be going down..

The current row about plain packaging of cigarettes is pointless in the extreme. 

The mere mention of tobacco based products is giving oxygen to the industry.

The e-cigarette is an attempt to get people off tobacco products and give them a safer nicotine fix. If they must.

Are You A Nicotine Addict?

The fact is that there are no public places where you can smoke now. Do you stand out in the street, with the other smokers and wonder why you are there. 

Do you think about smoking and your health. What has happened to the world, it used to be so simple. 

Chances are good. If you could turn back time, you would never have started smoking. But what to do now. 
You know that smoking is irrational, harmful and very expensive and yet we persist.

How about if you had an alternative, where you could get the results of smoking without lighting up. 

I am not even suggesting you have to quit, sometimes that seems just to hard. 

Switching to a system that gives you a nicotine fix without the smell and smoke, will allow you to carry on working and smoking without breaking any laws. 

Whenever you want a tobacco cigarette, where smoking tobacco or cigarettes are banned. Just use one of these electronic cigar

You can use these e-cigarettes wherever you are. Without having to skulk off somewhere.

Smoking Addiction facts

We associate smoking with feeling good. The truth is our bodies release hormones in response to the ingestion of smoke. 

If we found another other way to stimulate this release of serotonin & dopamine, as these are the hormones that are activated by the ingestion of nicotine from cigarettes. Then we would still feel good.

We will soon associate smoking electronic cigarettes with feeling good. 

Replacing real cigarettes with electronic cigarettes gives you the payoff, without the associated medical risks of smoking real cigarettes.

Eventually you will realise the silliness of even puffing on an electronic cigarette and will simply stop. 

It is a tough addiction and the thing that needs the most help is your brain. Giving yourself an alternative to going cold turkey is sometimes preferable.

It might seem odd but It works!

The scientific community has known almost from the beginning, that tobacco laced with nicotine would be highly addictive. 

Did you know that nicotine is used as a repellent, to stop animals browsing crops.

How did the tobacco companies manage to sell this noxious and lethal product to the public.

They used doctors amongst other upright and healthy individuals, to promote smoking as a great life choice.

Weirdly some doctors are promoting e-cigs today.

We now have a range of alternative nicotine delivery systems. From gums to patches to electronic cigarettes.

e-cigarettes are rechargeable via a USB slot, and can be used anywhere. All it releases is a cloud of odourless water vapour.

While it seems that there is now no doubt, that smoking tobacco cigarettes is harmful. What can you do if you still want to smoke.
Then at least smoke something that reduces the risk to your health. These e-cigarettes give the effects and feeling of smoking cigarettes without the hazards.

Give them a try, they are more affordable than cigarettes and they will not kill you.


  1. Michael,

    I wanted to get back to this post for two reasons. One is to inquire about how it's going with you and the electro-fags ... ?

    Second reason is to let you know, I quit too, about a month ago. I'm very big on advocating the right to smoke, whatever a free man, or woman, wants to, but for me, I'm further declining the right, lol.

    I'm using (when the need arises) NJoy. So far, so good. :)


  2. Hi Angelia,

    Sorry about the delay in getting back to you on this post. I only just spotted it.
    Congratulations on quitting smoking. Well done. I have quit in the past, and proceeded to become a bit of a pain about it. I was a born again non-smoker, if you will.
    This time has been easy.

    The e-cigarettes work. It is that simple. We just crave the nicotine, and do not like, the antsy withdrawal symptoms.

    I have puffed the odd ciggie now and again, and find myself wondering what the heck I am doing. It is a truly bizarre addiction.

    It's a little like dumbo's feather. An aid to quitting.
